Monday, June 10, 2013

Jose Mourinho’s unveiling proves one thing hasn’t changed: It’s still all about himself


  Jose Moirinho
Jose Mourinho has proven himself on the touchline. He’s won silverware at the highest level, and as far as tactics and player evaluation is concerned, Chelsea have made a fantastic move bringing him back to Stamford Bridge.
That was true on his first go with Roman Abramovich, and it’s true now.
One other thing hasn’t changed about him though, one thing I could absolutely do without – no matter what the subject, with Jose Mourinho, it’s always about Jose Mourinho.
The man can turn any conversation into something about himself, and everyone not involved with Chelsea is just going to have to get used to it.
I get it, it’s an unveiling, so the event is focused on Chelsea’s new man. But even there it got a little out of hand.
Jose, can you talk about how it’s similar or different the second time around at Chelsea? “I have the same nature, I’m the same person, I have the same heart, I have the same kind of emotions related to my passion for football and my job,” he said. “But I’m of course a different person. In this moment if I have to describe myself, I describe myself as a very happy person. It’s the first time I arrive in a club where I already love the club.”
Jose, could you talk about your relationship with Roman? “I read and I keep hearing that I was fired, I was sacked, we had a complete breakdown of our relationship – that was not true. Many didn’t believe that but it was a mutual agreement. We thought it was best for both of us, for me and the club.”
Jose, could you talk about how the beginning of this tenure is different than the last? “Nine years is a big difference. When I arrived here in 2004, you pushed me a lot in that first press conference to have a stronger approach, and in this moment the situation is different. You know me, you know my history in the British game, you know my history in the European game, so I don’t think I need that approach, I just want to be calm.”
There are plenty of different directions he could have taken that press conference, but he chose the most self-absorbed approach. He hardly mentioned the club. Heck, if you listened to the press conference on its own without any prior knowledge, you’d have no idea what team he’d just signed on with!
He barely mentioned the players on the club. He did once, but it was still about him. “There are still a few boys from my (first) time (at Chelsea) . It is always good to go back and see these people who gave absolutely everything to me when I was here. But it’s important to tell you – not them, because they know – that there is no privilege for them.”
Mourinho even rebranded himself. He dubbed himself ‘The Happy One.’ Seriously? Can you get more narcisstic than that? If ‘The Special One’ wasn’t bad enough, he had to not only bring it back up, but update it. Yeesh.
It’s always the same with Jose. It’s what drove him out of Real Madrid. It’s what drove him out of Chelsea the first time. Hopefully Roman Abramovich knows what he’s getting into – how can he not – because if Roman doesn’t make it totally about Jose this time around, it will finish just as the first go-around did.
However, if Abramovich does agree to put his manager before his club, his players, and himself, Mourinho could flourish, and so could Chelsea. We’ll just have to deal with the arrogance and self-absorption that’s been so refreshing to be without the last 6 years. Alas, it’s returned to London and the Premier League.

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