I am young Tanzanian, self-starter and quick learner with versatile skill set with experience in customer service and sales; hello and welcome to my blog. 

There will be articles on National news and specific functional roles in culture, sports and entertainment from around the world. Whether you are trying to get your foot in the door or looking for the next best thing then I hope this blog can point you in the right direction. 

Please feel free to contribute or even get in touch, check my phone number and e-mail address for sending your contribution as they are available at contact page. Any opinion presented in this blog does not belong to the blog or blogger rather the blog reader him/herself unless stated otherwise.

You must not use my Blog in any manner that is illegal, unlawful, fraudulent or harmful, or in relation with any illegal, unlawful, fraudulent or harmful purpose or activity; or in any way that causes, or may cause, damage to the Blog or impairment of the availability or accessibility of the Blog. 

You must not use my Blog to send or transmit unsolicited commercial communications.   

Thanks for taking the time to visit, god bless you.

Thanks and Best regards,

Raphael Kamugisha
Founder & Developer-raphaelkamugisha.blogspot.com

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Copyright © 2012

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