Thursday, June 13, 2013

8 Things That Every Woman Wants In Her Man



Today's men are always questioning what women want so as to be happy. They
have bought them all kinds of gifts and some have gotten to their wits end as
nothing they do ever seems to count. 
Here are some of the things that might just yield the results you have been
hoping for from your woman.
A woman wants;

Every woman needs to feel safe, be it physically, emotionally or financially.
A man has to be able to make her feel that she can rely on you for some if not
 all of her needs. Needs to know that you will do your best to ensure that the
place she calls home is safe and even her heart is safe in your hands. She
expects that you would be the last person to hurt her.

Hands-on Man
Every woman loves a man who knows his way around things, knows how to
 fix things; not only electronics but hearts, emotion-based, financial and the likes.

Most men have a problem with a girl who ‘has let herself go’ as they put it,
but they never realize that women also notice when a man adds weight and has
a one pack in place of the 6-pack he was flaunting when they met. If you spent
all your energy looking good just to get the girl, you should put even more energy
into keeping her.

Good listening skills
Women almost always have already made up their minds about what they will do
 about something before they talk to you about it. In essence, they are not talking
to you about it. Rather sharing their thoughts and using you as a sounding board.
 Make a point to just listen and pay attention when she is talking, agree, console,
 comfort but avoid giving any advice unless she directly asks for it.

Somewhere along the way in a relationship a couple loses all the humour. Things
 get too serious and you stop making her laugh the way you used to. You stop
doing the silly little things that made her giggle in the beginning of your relationship.

Every woman loves to be spoiled every once so often, and even though the norm
 is that it is a woman’s place to cook. Nothing quite excites a woman than the
thought of a man caring enough to spend a little time over the stove preparing a
 delicacy for her and not necessarily because it is a special occasion.

Most men go lax on hygiene after they get ‘that’ woman. It becomes her work to
 pick up after you and clean up after you. Here is one thing you ought to remember,
 ‘She is NOT your MOTHER!’ and even when you were living with your mother,
you would pick up after yourself. Clean those boxers/undies whilst you shower,
when you use utensils take them to the sink and put your socks in the laundry
basket the washing machine does not live under the bed!

Every woman loves to be held. It is not always sexual though, sometimes she just
 wants to feel that closeness as you chill out over a movie or even hold a conversation.
 Hold her at night while she sleeps; hold her while she reads her favourite magazine
 on a lazy Sunday as you indulge in your sports daily.
A strong relationship requires intimacy, not only sexually but all around. Women
 are emotional creatures and as much as they love material gifts, the best gifts to
give them is the feeling that you care, love and you are there for them.

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