Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Inspiring Story of What an Arizona Cop Did to a Teen She Found Walking 9 Miles

An Arizona teenager working at a fast food restaurant had to walk nine miles home if he missed the last bus of the evening.
Christian Felix still had several miles to go when Phoenix Sgt. Natalie Simonick spotted him around 11 p.m. last month. When she pulled over thinking he was breaking curfew, she learned he was 18 years old and thus not in violation, but she also learned a few other things about the young adult, ABC News reported.

Arizona Police Officer Gives Phoenix Teen Who Walks Miles to Work a Bike
Christian Felix
Sgt. Natalie Simonick and Christian Felix. (Image: ABC News)
At a press conference last week she said she saw a strong work ethic in Felix, the local ABC affiliate KNXV reported. She also found Felix had never learned to ride a bike nor had he ever driven a car.
"He never had a father in his life, so he had no one to teach him," Simonick said.
That's when Simonick took it upon herself, asking her husband if they could give the teen their extra bike so he would have a more reliable form of transportation. Last month, she and other officers even gave him a lesson.

Arizona Police Officer Gives Phoenix Teen Who Walks Miles to Work a Bike
Christian Felix_
(Image: ABC News)
"Two of my officers stood on either side of him and pushed him," Simonick said, according to ABC News. "He was a little wobbly and rode into one of the poles, but my guys were right there to catch him."
Felix told KNXV the action was surprising because "these days you don't see anything like that."
"It's really something when someone comes up on the street and offers to do a kindness for you," he said.

Arizona Police Officer Gives Phoenix Teen Who Walks Miles to Work a Bike
Christian Felix
(Image: ABC News)
To Simonick though, it's simple actions like these she believes could change the world.
"If everybody could help just one person in the world like this, I think it would definitely be a better place to [live.]"
Watch ABC's report:

This story is reminiscent of the Indianapolis teen who was spotted by a local restaurant owner walking 10 miles in the snow to a job interview earlier this year. The owner not only gave him a lift to the interview but also offered him a job. The story got national attention and sparked conversation about work ethic in this country.

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