Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Four U.S. soldiers killed in Afghanistan's Kandahar

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Four U.S. soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan's Kandahar province on Tuesday, the coalition and officials said, a day after three Georgian soldiers were killed in nearby Helmand.
The soldiers were in a vehicle on patrol in Kandahar's Zhari district when they were killed, provincial spokesman Jawid Ahmad Faisal said.

May has proved particularly bloody for members of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), which is preparing to withdraw most combat troops by the end of next year.
U.S. President Barack Obama will announce how many combat troops the United States will leave after the withdrawal, Secretary of State John Kerry said earlier on Tuesday.

Many Afghans are eager to know the size of the post-2014 force, fearing chaos and civil war could erupt with no foreign forces in the country, but support for the costly war in ISAF countries is waning.

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