Monday, December 24, 2012

Mike Busey Arrested For Selling Alcohol At House Party

Mike Busey Arrested Party
Mike Busey was arrested on Saturday morning during a house party in Orlando, Florida, apparently showing the world that the “King of Rock and Roll Debauchery” can also be the king of Osceola County jail
Busey, the nephew of actor Gary Busey, was arrested at his home, which he nicknamed the Sausage Castle, and was booked into the jail for selling alcohol without a license.

CNews notes that an undercover officer with the Osceola County Sheriff’s Narcotics Enforcement Ream visited the Sausage Castle on Friday night. The officer paid the $20 cover charge that got him in the door to the party, called “Mike Busey’s End of the World Sexy Santa Holiday B-Day.”

Upon entering, the deputy bought a beer at the bar, according to the arrest report for Busey, whose real name is Michael Andrew Ward. The report adds that Busey stood next to the unlicensed bar, but that he made no effort to stop the bartender from illegally selling alcohol to the undercover officer and other party guests.

The Orlando Sentinel reports that Busey also allowed several guests to smoke marijuana at the party, a fact that the deputy noted the party’s host made no attempt to stop. After his arrest, Mike Busey bonded out of jail and was returned to the Sausage Castle via patrol car. The constant partier tweeted to his almost 9,000 followers. He stated, “Last Night I Got Arrested For Throwing A EPIC Party!” and added a photo of himself dressed in a Santa costume in the back of the police car.

The investigation that prompted Busey’s arrest over the weekend was started after a neighbor complained — a situation that is not unusual for the party king, who has been evicted five times over constant partying and neighbor and/or landlord complaints.

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